I was in a band. Here’s what I learned…

Being in the band is probably the closest thing I’ll ever experience (God willing) to being in a foxhole with a group of guys. I’m not comparing being in a band to the valor of the men who spent their time in foxholes.  But what I am saying is we spent a lot of time together and became very close.  In almost a decade of pursuing music as a full-time career, I experienced a ton of fun stories and experiences.

After reflecting on that period in my life, I’ve come to the conclusion there are some bigger lessons being taught through the process. Here are three of my favorite things I learned from pursuing music.

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1. The Power of One Team, One Vision.  A band is a group of individuals who come together to work in unity for one like-minded vision and goal. A similar element of teamwork is found in marriage, on the kid’s ball teams, at track meets, in office spaces, in churches and in any organization that’s bigger than one party. Winning and losing like a team is one of the biggest life lessons I’ve learned through this process. All for one, one for all!  Finding the right people to be on your team is vital to success.

2. Focus on the details and craftsmanship.  Some home builders make houses.  Some builders make craftsman style homes.  Some people cut hair.  Some cut shapes with such precision that it lasts four times as long as a 6.99 sale.  The point is, minor details make huge impacts.  The details are usually the difference between average and extraordinary. Be extraordinary.

3. Have Fun.  The best part of doing what you do well, is having fun while you do it.  They say 10,000 hours is what it takes to become an expert in something.  Once you’ve reached an expert level within a field, it then becomes a blasty blast.    Whether you make music, build homes, cut hair, or any number of other occupations and hobbies –  work hard and become a craftsman.

No matter what we do with the rest of our life, these rules are applicable.  Oh yeah, we also tend to get cynical.  Fight that daily.  Have fun and enjoy the process.  Go Team.

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