I went to Haiti last month…

I recently went on a trip to Haiti with my friend Mike from Hoperageous. Hoperageous wants fight poverty by creating jobs. By creating jobs, they avoid enabling and create positive socially economic growth. Our goal was to open a store that sells merchandise made locally to volunteer groups visiting My Life Speaks.

First, let me just say that the family that started this organization is simply amazing. They have immerse themselves in the Haitian culture and will make a huge impact in many peoples lives there. It was great to see how they use their resources, money, and passions to make a positive impact in their community. Missy, seem to have a similar spirit of my late aunt Alesa. Such a giving, sweet lady! The best thing about this family (other than their sons basketball skills) is I can give to them and their organization with full confidence. They take little, waste nothing, and give greatly. 

How was the trip? The best one word answer I can come up with is outstanding. It’s hard to explain the depth of experience from the trip. Despite living conditions that are different than what I’m used to, most people seemed genuinely happy. There were smiles all over the village. It’s a beautiful country and the people are amazing.
A friend asked me a question that floored me. “How will this trip change the way you parent”? Our first day at the orphanage I was introduced to “restivecs”. Restivecs are basically a child indentured servant. A family will give their child up to a host family with the promise for greater opportunity, education, and food. This sounds like a fantastic idea, however it is become more of a Cindarella type situation. I basically saw children my daughters age walk in from being “on the clock”. My Life Speaks gives them full plates of food (3 days a week). The kids then play with their friends for about an hour and a half before getting back to the host family. This was confusing and shocking to me at first, but I have to remember that this is their culture.
You often get to see pictures of Haiti as a country with great need and sympathy raising photos. Although these photos are easy to produce because the need is great, I have to say the country itself is beautiful. The countryside, the mountains, the ocean, the barrier reefs, the food, and the people are simply beautiful. I look forward to going back someday!  Enjoy these Hoperageous pictures!


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