LIFE WORD for 2017

2016 was a rush! January 1 is one my favorite days of the year because it allows us to start anew. Years ago, I had a guest tell me that they put a word as a forecast for their up-and-coming year. This word encapsulated their hopes, dreams, prayers, and would ultimately catapult their thoughts into actions to achieve their goals. I love this concept. So, I ripped it off and made it my own! 
I’ve come to call this word my “life word” for the year. This word will follow me spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially. My word for this year is hyphenated (because I’m cheating). It is…. Hyper-focus. 

I plan on saying no to things that I shouldn’t do to make room for saying “yes” to the things that I needs MY focus. I will be saying no to personal social media, mass screen time and other forms of digital life. I will say no to certain foods. I will say no to certain activities. All with the purpose of creating the opportunity to say yes to only the most important for this year.

I will say yes to exercise. I will say yes to relationships that build me up. I will say yes to reading the Bible. I will say no to debt. I will say yes to reading books that strengthen my mind. 

Some of you might be rolling your eyes at this point. I know I sound like a Tony Robbins conference. But there is power in your words and your thoughts. We often allow the dredge of life to take control of our thoughts both subconsciously and consciously. I will start 2017 hyper focused. 

So I will rhetorically ask you, what is your life word? How is this word going to impact your year? Best to us all in 2017!

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