I just ran over a squirrel. Here’s what I learned…

It was 7:30 AM on a Sunday morning. My daughters and I were driving to grab some donuts and run a couple errands – letting mom get some much-needed and rarely experienced rest.

The squirrel incident, which I will now referred to as “the accident”, happened in an instant. When accidents happen, it seems like time slows down. I felt like the squirrel and I had time to make decisions. I had the decision to swerve and try to miss him. However, after subconsciously evaluating the value of my precious cargo, I decided to stay the course and leave the decision up to him.


I noticed that the squirrel did a couple of indecisive shifts, like a hockey player juking the goalie. When he started, he was fully committed to crossing the road and then changed courses a couple times trying to avoid “the accident”. The jukes lead him back in harms way.

It was in this moment I realized how important decisiveness is in life. When you make a commitment, you should move in that direction with 100% of your energy. Being timid and indecisive, will only bring more “accidents”.

In what way are you indecisive? How can you change that moving forward into 2015?

2015 has the ability to be amazing! Here’s a website that can help you out. Enjoy.


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